Special Needs

Alham’Dulillah, Tracy Islamic Center is proud to be certified by Muhsen and is committed to supporting MUHSEN in their efforts to help families with Special Needs. 

MUHSEN, Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs, certifies Masajid which work towards accommodating special needs community members. Please do your part as follows:

We want to know the requirements of Special Need Families in our community. If you have a family member with Special Needs, please click on the link below to fill out a Needs Assessment Survey. All responses are confidential and will only be provided to the Muhsen team.

Assessment Survey – https://muhsen.org/need-survey/

As a silver-certified masjid, that means, we:
• Offer accessible parking spaces
• Have wheelchair accessible entrances
• Provide restroom and wudu accessibility
• Host a Khutbah (Friday sermon) on disability at least once a year
• Host a disability awareness event at the masjid at least twice a year
• Have a dedicated special-needs facilitator for the masjid
• Have information about masjid programming accessible on masjid website and social media
• (Via Muhsen) Have a needs assessment survey of the masjid community
• Provide wheelchair accessibly through ramps and elevator throughout the facility
For more information and resources, please visit the Muhsen Website(www.muhsen.org)